• oris cafe 歐蕊斯    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 超翊有限公司

      ... watches. We are slim and healthy in every aspect .Currently ,ChaoYee sell ORIS watches in Taiwan. We has been an important distributer of Oris not only we started to sell and promote this brand , but also Chaoyee always create the outstanding accomplishment for Oris. Oris is synonymos with the t...

      電話:02-27211985    地址:台北市松山區復興北路1號15樓
    2. Aqua Cafe

      電話:035507765    地址:新竹縣六家五路一段290號2樓
    3. LA CAFE

      認識我們:位於信義區華納威秀一樓的LA CAFE,一間純白明亮,充滿陽光的餐廳,雖然和*inhouse同樣出自台北夜生活教父蘇誠修之手,在視覺及空間的運用上卻呈

      電話:0287803018    地址:台北市松壽路16號1樓
    4. 黑匠CAFE-延吉店

      電話:0227417796    地址:台北市大安區光復南路260巷54號1樓

      電話:0226368609    地址:新北市三芝區淡金路二段97號1樓

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